IEEE SPS Student Career Luncheon
Students meet Potential Employers at IEEE ICIP 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019 - 12:30-15:30
Are you a student or new graduate ready to take the leap to building your career? Join us at the Student Career Luncheon at ICIP 2019! Hosted by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the Student Career Luncheon connects eligible students and graduates with industry representatives to explore job opportunities within their companies. Attendees have the chance to meet with representatives and learn about job openings, while recruiters can meet potential talent and conduct on-site interviews.
The luncheon will be held on September 23, 2019, and will be in the form of a buffet lunch. As we have limited seats for the event, priority will be given to senior PhD students; paper quality will also be considered. Students and fresh graduates can attend this event for free, but SPS membership and but application acceptance is required for attendance. Find out more information on how to join SPS
Important Dates
Students application deadline: August 18, 2019
Notification of acceptance: August 25, 2019
Luncheon at ICIP2019: September 23, 2019
Call for Participation to Industry
Is your company attending ICIP and hoping to recruit new talent? Consider sponsoring the Student Career Luncheon for the opportunity to meet the bright, emerging minds launching their signal processing careers. Interested in learning more? Fill out the sponsor interest form!
Click here to submit your application to the Student Career Luncheon. You will receive your application decision approximately three weeks before the event.
For any company be interested in joining the Student Career Luncheon and have any questions, please contact Dr. Lucio Marcenaro by email lucio.marcenaro@unige.it.
Participating Companies