Call for Challenge Sessions
The Challenge Sessions present a set of problems aimed at engaging the image processing research community into a competition of solving these interesting and challenging problems. Proposals for Challenge Sessions are sought in all areas of imaging, image and video processing, and computer vision. We are particularly interested in proposals that represent the real-world challenges in industry applications. Proposers are encouraged to find an industry partner who can collaborate on and sponsor the proposed Challenge, though a sponsorship is not required for submitting a proposal.
ICIP 2019 will organize a special session where the winning solutions to the Challenge Sessions will be presented, and the corresponding papers will be published in the ICIP 2019 Proceedings.
A proposal for Challenge Sessions must contain the following:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Definition of the Challenge
- Significance and real-world value of the Challenge
- Rules for participation
- Criteria of judging a submission
- Data sets provided, if any
- Team that will run the Challenge
- Awards proposed, if any
- Dates (e.g., submission deadline, data available, and winner announcement)
- Sponsorship, if any
- Challenge Session Proposals due:
November 15November 30, 2018 - Notification of Challenge Session Acceptance: December 15, 2018
All proposals shall be submitted via email to challengesessions@2019.ieeeicip.org before deadline.